3047 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90034


Green Beginning Community Preschool

We are a tight-knit community of educators and parents committed to providing a nature, play-based education with a global lens and
a non-judgmental approach. We offer high- quality, nurturing, and loving care for toddler and preschool-age children with families of diverse religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. GBCP values and promotes social justice, diversity, and multicultural education.

  • “Community is much more than belonging to something it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter”

    ~Brian Solís ~



We strongly believe that building strong, positive, and healthy relationships based on trust is the foundation for a well-balanced child and adult. Therefore, we strive to make everyday connections by being supportive, attentive, and responsive to the needs of our children, families, and staff. By doing so, we believe that we develop ourselves as well as foster healthy communities.

Constructivism and Play Theory

GBCP early childhood educators recognize their active role in shaping the developing minds and bodies of the new generation as well as the active role of the child in his naturally occuring environment. We stress meaningful interactive exchanges between the teacher and child. Keen observations and assessments of the child's skills, interests, and abilities allow us to facilitate each child's learning. We believe that children construct knowledge through play. We address the needs of the whole child by providing opportunities in the interrelated areas of physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth. We encourage children to explore, experiment, ask questions, initiate activities, and solve problems in a way that is appropriate to their age and stage of development. While we allow for a wide range of stimulating experiences to encourage exploration of the child's environment, we make sure the child never feels threatened by excessive expectations. This allows children to feel comfortable and secure in a nurturing setting. We are inspired by the works of Piaget, Bronfenbrenner, and Vygotsky.

Multi-Intelligence Educational Approach

Inspired by the work of Howard Gardner, GBCP believes that children and people in general have specific learning preferences. Traditionally, the educational system rewards and reinforces language and mathematical learners and excludes or dismisses all others.
GBCP acknowledges and whole-heartedly believes that people have different modes of learning. These include linguistic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, scientific, mathematical, naturalistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and musical. Since we honor and value each child's individual mode of intelligence, our curriculum is presented in multiple forms so that each child is able to thrive and reach his/her fullest learning potential. .

Connecting the Child to His/Her World

GBCP provides an environment which promotes the self-esteem and a sense of the fundamental worth of each child. We recognize each child's individuality and provide continuous and consistent support for the individual needs of each child. Simultaneously, we see the child as an integral part of a larger community. Therefore, we seek to foster a sense of community based on the understanding of others and a respect for diversity of all living and non-living things on our planet. We provide activities and experiences to develop the child's sense of relationship to the local and global communities. We strive to maintain a balance between the uniqueness and social connectedness of each child.
GBCP's environment and eco-minded practices are an immediate action and response to what our educators consider not a trend but responsible efforts to reduce the carbon footprint on our planet. We foster in young minds healthy, conscientious, planet-responsible living. Concepts of sustainability, recycling, reusing, reducing, and conservation are integrated as part of our daily program and routine.

Strong Home-School Bond

GBCP understands that, for most children, preschool is the first school experience. Inspired by the African proverb "it takes a village to raise a child," we believe that a strong relationship between home and school is crucial.
GBCP encourages and promotes parent involvement. We believe that children benefit the most when parent and school work together. Working together not only creates an environment of support for the child, but also helps to foster a better understanding of the goals and objectives of the program by the parents and helps us maintain a quality program.



Veronica is a passionate educator and a visionary who has been in the field of early childhood for 30+ years. She earned her master’s degree in child development from CSULA. Veronica’s vast experience includes teaching at Santa Monica College, mentoring students from various universities, and managing multiple schools in the L.A. area. One of her greatest professional accomplishments has been turning a personal dream into reality when she built Green Beginning from the ground up! Veronica continues her dedication to the ECE field by working with the California Early Childhood Mentor Program as a selection committee member;and supporting caregivers and parents through the Panda program at Green Beginning.

Veronica Cabello, M.A.

Executive Director
& Founder
Panda Teacher

Keone has over 28 years of experience in the ECE field. He was recognized for his hard work, dedication, and love for children when he was nominated for and won the “Teacher of the Year” award by LAUP. He believes strongly in developing the whole child through active and experiential play using a multi-intelligence curriculum. He earned his B.A. from Cal State Dominguez Hills. Keone has a passion for music and brings his musical talents to the classroom by playing his ukulele and guitar.

Keone Kealalio

Preschool Director
Bumblebees & Blue Jays Teacher

Patti has been at Green Beginning since 2014. She has earned her ECE certificate from West L.A. College. She holds a B.A. in Arts from CSUN. She brings her love for art into her classroom by providing plenty of hands-on and creative art experiences. Patti has twin daughters and a dog, Mercury, who she named after Freddy Mercury, her favorite artist.

Patti Mintz

Polar Bears
& Sea Lions Teacher

Andy graduated with her A.A. in Early Childhood from Santa Monica College. She plans on continuing her education in the fall at CSULA. She recognizes the importance of children being able to explore and connect with their creative side. Andy loves getting silly with the children, reading, and doing messy activities.

Andrea Mendez-Santos

Pea Pod Teacher

Jesus started with Green Beginning as an intern from Santa Monica College and stayed on as a part of our teaching team when he graduated with his A.A. in Early Childhood in 2022. He is planning on continuing his education and completing his B.A. at CSULA. Jesus enjoys creating new learning experiences for the children and having fun with board games.

Jesus Sanchez

Pea Pod & Koala Teacher

Meghann is the owner and founder of Kick Start Dance Studio and has been in business for 14 years. She is also Green Beginning’s movement specialist and joins us weekly to do creative movement and gymnastics with the children!

Kick Start Dance

Meghann Lucas Movement Specialist

Monica Vega is the newest addition to our GB staff. She came from Colombia three years ago, where she taught for 13 years. She is an enthusiastic and energetic teacher who loves singing, dancing, reading, and teaching Spanish. Monica loves how preschool children learn fast and is excited to be part of their growth and development.

Monica Vega

Polar Bear, Sea Lion, and Koalas Teacher



We are an

Green Beginning Community Preschool has been recognized for its outstanding work educating young children and helping to raise globally-conscious citizens. We are the recipients of Green America's Summer 2014 People and Planet Award, we are recognized as an official Certified Los Angeles Green Business, and we are the winners of the 2011 SORO Neighborhood Council Outstanding Green Citizenship Award.